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Homophobic Homicide

angiezapata This beautiful girl was killed at 18 years old. Her name was Angie Zapata. She was described as outgoing and vibrant; she had dreams to be a cosmetologist and had aspirations to be a beauty queen. The killer was 32 years old. She met him on a cell phone social network. They hit it off and he started dating her. One day, he became enraged with her and beat her first with his fists, then with a fire extinguisher. When he was getting ready to make his escape, he heard her gurgling and saw her attempting to sit up, so he smashed her head in one last time with the fire extinguisher. He then stole her car, her purse, her phone and her credit cards. He was later arrested by police when he was found inside of her stolen car. Before I continue, does this seem like a forgivable act? Does it seem as though he wanted her dead? Does the murder of this beautiful girl seem deliberate? Right now are you asking yourself, “What did she do to deserve this?” or are you asking yourself, “How could someone be so brutal and care so little for human life?”  >>>Click here to read the full article


Filed under Politics, Psychology, Uncategorized, Women